ELCA Church, Edgar, Wisconsin
St. John Lutheran
St. John Ministries
- resources
- referrals
- blood pressure screenings, monthly
- access to medical supplies
Baby's Basket of Love
This ministry is available for a mom-to-be who cannot afford the basic needs for a baby. A simple phone call is all it takes. During the month of June, items will be collected for Baby's Basket. Needed items are: baby wash, baby lotion, diapers(size preemie, newborn, or size 1), sleepers , onesies(all sizes), burp cloths, rattles, stuffed animals & socks. Baskets are located in the south & north entryway of church. These items should be new or handmade. Questions? Call Bonnie.
Women's Group
This group of women have monthly Bible studies the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. They sew quilts and make school & health kits to send to the needy. They prepare funeral meals and serve on the altar guild by taking care of the altar cloths, banners, flowers and any other necessary items to enhance our worship. Usually two women serve each month rotating around the church year. By working behind the scenes, they make worship orderly and meaningful.
Church Council
This is a group of ten elected leaders from the congregation who serve as officers, deacons and trustees. Each month they meet to discuss and decide what needs to be done, such as in worship, building upkeep and maintenance, and other activities as needed or desired.
Confirmation Classes
These classes are for children in grades 5-8(September-May). Confirmation is held in October of the student's freshman year.
Health & Caring Ministry
Our purpose is to serve as a bridge between persons in need and community resources. We will work to serve the greater congregation through these methods:
If you would like your blood pressure checked, please contact Colleen Dvorak.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Would you like to learn how to knit or crochet? Do you have the gift of knitting or crocheting? All are welcome to be part of a new ministry at St. John: Prayer Shawl Ministry. Prayer shawls, as available, will be distributed to those in the congregation who are ill, grieving, or alone and for other occasions. Shawls can be made at home at your own pace. Keep any receipts for yarn or other expenses to turn them in for Thrivent monies.